After almost two years of vegetarianism the life circumstances have changed. It has become difficult for me to be a strict vegetarian and stay healthy. I have started to eat meat again.
My body actually thanked me for the changes. I saw a huge improvement in the composition of my skin, hair and body. In addition, I will not hide, there was more energy.
Thus, this article is for those who think that if they have ridden a horse, have felt affection and love it is necessary to boycott eating meat.
Be sure that I am one of those who have experienced strict vegetarianism and can return to it in certain conditions. Now I need to consume organic meat, it should not be much, and it is not the basis of the diet.
For me it's fish and seafood. My body feels the need to consume animal fats, vitamins and trace elements. Do not put your health in danger just because your environment has adopted vegetarianism or there has been a general boom.
In Yoga Sutras Patanjali describes the meaning of Ahimsa (non-violence), which includes the practice of a vegetarian diet. Traditionally a yoga teacher will strictly follow this practice. However the debate about whether a yogi can not be a strict vegetarian continues.
When you start practicing yoga vegetarianism or veganism comes as a commitment, because all the people around start watching intently and are just waiting for a puncture, whether you are wearing a leather belt or accidentally drank a glass of wine..
Suddenly thoughtlessly and unprepared, you label yourself as a vegetarian, begin to adhere strictly to the diet, feeling exhausted. At the mental level changes are also taking place. You become open and unprotected to absolutely everyone.
In addition to this according to most people, if you stop adhering to vegetarianism you become a weakling and lazy fellow.
My advice: do what is right only for you. People who promote vegetarianism have no idea what they are saying. Each of us is different. This is your body, not someone else's.
Maintaining optimal health and veganism in one body.
Being a strict vegetarian can be difficult if you are always in the traffic or live with people who don't support vegetarianism, if you are in a big city and encounter a lot of different people.
Approach consciously to any choice in your life, whether it is positive-nonviolence; or negative-violence. An unhealthy lifestyle can be both a vegan and a meat eater. If you work long hours in the office and eat mango for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with greens, plenty of hummus and nuts, you will not be able to think fast, be stable and unshakable in decisions.
Still, if you decide to become a vegetarian, here are some basic facts and some practical tips for you:
- Do not avoid dining in restaurants or cafes. They will meet your requirements everywhere. Just be bold to ask. Some of my best strict vegetarian meals were at steak restaurants. In addition, you can simply call them before coming.
- As a strict vegetarian lead a simple lifestyle. Be organized so that you don't get nervous over nothing.
- Plan ahead and prepare business-lunches at home: salads with avocado, sea vegetables, hummus with tomatoes, zucchini with sauce, pasta without eggs. In stores you will always find soy, oat milk, nut butter. There are many alternatives to dairy products.
- Consider taking vitamin B12 or foods that contain high amounts of B12. For example, food yeast. Since B12 is naturally found only in animal products.
- Feel free to bring a dish for dinner or lunch with you, just because your friends are not strict vegetarians. Cook in a separate bowl and offer, for example, Dal! It is very overwhelming and loved by everyone!
- It has been proven that vegetarian diets are necessary to help restore athletic fitness, as this can speed up recovery.
- Be sincere and natural in front of yourself and don't be afraid to tell your friends about it!