Dear yogis !

I offer you a series of articles devoted to the analysis of the core, in my opinion, asanas in Hatha yoga.

My partner PinkyYogi will help you visualize these poses :)

Description of poses will include :

1. All asanas are grouped according to the positions in which they are performed (standing, sitting, lying on your back, hand balances, forward bends, back bends, etc.). Each asana will have a separate article.

2. Each article will reflect:

- name of the pose in English/Sanskrit,

- performance and alignment of asana,

- typical errors,

- modifications,

- positive effects,

- contraindications.

Standing poses

Eagle pose / Garudasana

Performance and alignment of the asana:

Performance of the asana begin with Tadasana.

Bend your right leg in the knee.

Lift your left leg up and wrap it around your right leg, placing your left hip on top of your right hip so that the back of your left hip rests on the front of your right hip.

Place your left foot behind your right shin so that both shins touch each other. Hook toes of your left foot into your right calf muscle just above the ankle.

Thus, left leg wraps the entire right leg around. Try to balance on your right leg.

Extend your arms forward with your palms facing the ceiling. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise your shoulders to chest level.

Place right elbow on the front surface of the left shoulder near the bent left elbow. Wrap your right forearm around your left forearm, connect palms together, fingers are pointing at the ceiling.

Take 5 deep breaths. After that untangle your hands and legs.

The asana is similarly performed for the left side.

When you finish return by jumping into Tadasana.

Typical errors:

- hips are not square

- knee of the bent leg protrudes for the toes


Hands. You can lean forward with your left elbow resting on your left knee. Allow the upper spine to curl as you tilt.

Positive effects:

- opens the thoracic region

- strengthens the hips and knees

- stretches the spine, thighs, shoulders

- improves the sense of balance

- makes you more resilient


- knee and shoulder problems

- pregnancy

- dizziness